Friday, June 24, 2011

Gift Basket Appreciation Contest!

**UPDATE*** We will accept submissions until Friday Morning!!!!!!!!!! The winner will be chosen at noon EST - WHAT HAVE YOU GOT UP YOUR SLEEVE?! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE!!!!

Attention to all of you gift basket entrepreneurs out there!

As a kick-off for our new blog we are having our first Gift-Basket Appreciation week!!!!

Each day next week (June 27-July 1) we will be featuring a differently themed gift basket that showcases how well our candy fits in with your product.

What we need from you is your ideas.

The project: Take our candy bags and incorporate them into your basket designs. Feel free to use already existing designs of yours, or create entirely new ideas. All we are looking for is the merging of our bags and your product.

We will take the top 5 basket ideas and each day we will feature a new basket. An image of your basket, along with your company name and links to your website/online store, and a little blurb about your company, will be included in the blog as well.

We’ll be accepting submissions until Sunday June 26! So hurry up and get your ideas in this weekend. We’re psyched to see what you guys can come up with!

How to participate:
1) Check out our website ( ) to find what bags work best with your designs.
2) E-mail us at or, you can tweet us a picture of your design, or send us a message via twitter with your design (if we are not following you, tweet us and we’ll follow you back so you will be able to message us).
3) Include in your e-mail your name, your website, your twitter name (if you would like us to include that too) and most importantly - your idea! Feel free to send pictures of your designs – but pictures are not required. If you send us an image of your basket that could include our candy, don’t worry if our candy isn’t physically in your basket – we’ll show the candy you’d like to include alongside your design.

Hurry and send us your ideas. The top five most creative designs will be featured on our blog next week! Good luck!

Make life sweet!


  1. Love your product. OMG I could work magic with your products. I have so many ideas for each of your items. I am so excited.

  2. We're so excited to see what you can come up with! :)
