Friday, July 22, 2011

Hilarious Candy Remedies!

Last night I was at the mall with a friend, and we stopped in the Hallmark store. If you are a fan of Hallmark, you'll understand how it is such a fun shopping experience. You never know quite what you will come across in the gift area. We looked through the Ornaments (which yes, Hallmark's Christmas ornaments are up already!) and made our way through the gifts. As we explored, I noticed out of the corner of my eye an area FULL of our products, and on the top of the shelf, low and behold, was our new Candy Remedy and Animal Poop Spinner. 

Shopper Stoppers
One of 20 designs!
I didn't say anything as my friend walked up to the spinner and started looking at them. Her immediate reaction was hysterical laughter. "PMS Pills! That's great!" She pointed and laughed. Then she pointed at Shopper Stoppers and said, "I need this one!" So true, as we'd spent the evening on a purse and accessories hunt. After she told me what she thought about them I got to add in...."Guess what! My company makes those, and I'm the graphic designer!" Sometimes it's fun to brag! She thought it was great. The best part is when they love your product and they don't know it's yours.

I have to say this is not the first reaction I've seen like this, people LOVE our candy remedies. They are inexpensive little gifts and most importantly they are hysterical. Right now we have 20 different designs, if you want to see pictures of all of them you can log-on to Surfing and look under our "Candy Remedies" section. We sell to a lot of gift shops, but they do well in gift baskets too (we've sold a few of them as well!)

So, is there an ailment you're looking to solve with a little bit of candy? You know what Mary Poppins always said...."Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!" Sure helps if the medicine is sugar :)

Have a great weekend! Make life sweet!! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wedding Favors

It’s that time of year when everyone seems to be getting married. If you haven’t been to a wedding yet this summer, then you probably have marked on your calendar to attend one of those gorgeous fall weddings in September or October – be you a guest or a bride!

For those of you getting ready for your fall wedding, you might be asking yourself, “What will I do for a favor?” and there are so many ideas out there, you wonder where to begin. Nowadays people are making their own favors, some do mix-CDs with the couples favorite songs, some have their names printed on shot glasses, pens, and other novelty items, a lot of people make paper crafts to give out...but it seems to hold true that the most common types of favors are sweets. Sometimes they’re homemade, sometimes the couples names are printed on candy or wrappers, and sometimes it’s Jordan Almonds wrapped in tulle.

Did you know that candy and sweets go back to the earliest of wedding favors with the European aristocrats? They would give out gifts known as bomboniere, which is Italian for favors. The bomboniere were usually small boxes made of precious materials (such as crystal or porcelain) and inside they would put something sweet. Back in those days, sugar was expensive and represented wealth and royalty.

Candy, if packaged the right way, is a very classy favor at weddings - and of course, your guests will love the sweet treat! We put a spin on the traditional tulle and candy favor. Several couples have used us for their wedding favors - including a fourth of July wedding, and this fall we’re doing a 9.10.11 wedding! We change our usual packaging to a much more classy design which is perfect for weddings. 

So why not give your guests your own bomboniere? Contact us, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Read about our custom labels here and for more wedding favor specific information, give us a call. With everything you have to worry about when getting ready for your wedding, why not let us take your mind off of the favors?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Last weeks contest was a hit!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to put together their baskets, we're sorry we could not feature more of you - but such a great job to all of our entrants last week - take a look at some of our honorable mentions below, and keep an eye out for new contests that may be popping up in the next few weeks!

Pacific Basket Company ~
"Be My Co-Pilot" with VAL2-3C

M.R. Designs and Gifts
"Thinking of You" Puppy themed with DOG26

Baskets and Beyond
"Congratulations" with ED23-82C

Friday, July 1, 2011

And our Final Friday Winner...

for the basket appreciation week is in....

This last minute submission was such a treat we couldn't pass it up!

And the Winner is.....

The "You're a Star" gift basket 
submitted by Flavia from 
The Pacific Basket Company

They would feature our "You're a shining star" (ED8-21C) with Hershey Kisses! 

Get a look at this basket.....The chocolates in this look delicious - and the little Oscar is just too cute! And what is a movie without popcorn? Not only is this basket appealing and a great presentation - the story behind it is so intriguing. 

"This gift was originally created for a Film Festival many, many years ago. A few years later, the same concept was used a few times for one of our clients. A NY advertising agency for Vanity Fair magazine contracted us to make the gifts, part of a marketing campaign to recognize all their advertisers during the magazine's Academy Awards special edition."

Congratulations to the Pacific Basket Company!

Their "goal is to bring joy to those who receive our gift baskets and peace of mind and satisfaction to our clientele. Product quality and freshness; reasonable pricing; one-of-a-kind gift designs and superior customer service are just a few phrases that represent what we are, what we offer and what makes us so proud."

You should check out their website: to see the great products they have to offer - and follow them on twitter: @pacificbasket for updates!

Stay tuned for some honorable mentions!