Friday, July 22, 2011

Hilarious Candy Remedies!

Last night I was at the mall with a friend, and we stopped in the Hallmark store. If you are a fan of Hallmark, you'll understand how it is such a fun shopping experience. You never know quite what you will come across in the gift area. We looked through the Ornaments (which yes, Hallmark's Christmas ornaments are up already!) and made our way through the gifts. As we explored, I noticed out of the corner of my eye an area FULL of our products, and on the top of the shelf, low and behold, was our new Candy Remedy and Animal Poop Spinner. 

Shopper Stoppers
One of 20 designs!
I didn't say anything as my friend walked up to the spinner and started looking at them. Her immediate reaction was hysterical laughter. "PMS Pills! That's great!" She pointed and laughed. Then she pointed at Shopper Stoppers and said, "I need this one!" So true, as we'd spent the evening on a purse and accessories hunt. After she told me what she thought about them I got to add in...."Guess what! My company makes those, and I'm the graphic designer!" Sometimes it's fun to brag! She thought it was great. The best part is when they love your product and they don't know it's yours.

I have to say this is not the first reaction I've seen like this, people LOVE our candy remedies. They are inexpensive little gifts and most importantly they are hysterical. Right now we have 20 different designs, if you want to see pictures of all of them you can log-on to Surfing and look under our "Candy Remedies" section. We sell to a lot of gift shops, but they do well in gift baskets too (we've sold a few of them as well!)

So, is there an ailment you're looking to solve with a little bit of candy? You know what Mary Poppins always said...."Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!" Sure helps if the medicine is sugar :)

Have a great weekend! Make life sweet!! :)

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